To build any sort of autonomous vehicle, you need a controller. This has to deal with all sorts of jobs – reading sensor outputs, controlling motors and actuators, managing power sources – controlling a car of even moderate complexity requires significant resources. A modern autók nagyszerű példa erre – még a nem autonóm autók külön számítógépekkel rendelkezhetnek a motor, a belső elektronika és a biztonsági rendszerek vezérlésére. Ebben a vénában [e.n. Hering] egy moduláris autonóm autonómiai vezérlőt fejleszt, amely YAUVC néven ismert.
The acronym stands for Yet another Unmanned Vehicle Controller, though its former name – Fly hard With A Vengeance – was not without its charms. A projekt a modularitás és a redundancia fogalma körül épül. The controller, developed mainly for flying vehicles, has an ATMega328P as its primary processor, into which various modules can be plugged in to deal with different tasks.
This design choice has several benefits – having separate processors to deal with individual jobs can make sense in real-time systems. Alig szeretné, ha a quadcoptered összeomlik, mert az akkumulátorkezelő rutinok a CPU-időt ellopták a repülési dinamika számításokból. Instead, by offloading tasks to individual modules, each can run without interfering with the others. A modularitás azonban hátrányokkal jár – a modulok közötti hatékony kommunikáció fenntartásának problémája. [Hering] also plans to make sure the system can be set up to use multiples of the same module for redundancy – similar to modern flight systems in passenger aircraft that weigh the results of several computers to make decisions.
Much work has already been done – with the YAUVC platform already fleshed out with a backbone design as well as modules for WiFi, accelerometers and GPS navigation. Bízunk benne, hogy hamarosan meglátjuk a repülési készenléti állapotot!
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